Monday, June 16, 2014

Weeks 29-30

Its been a good couple of weeks around here.  Mark and I took a childbirth class (we found a FREE one, yay!) and we both feel more prepared as we get closer to the big day.  The nursery is basically done, just needs some decorative touches.  We'll tour the hospital next week, so surreal!

Fatigue and lower back pain are my main symptoms. Plus the growing belly continues to put more and more pressure on the ligaments in the pelvic area, so things fill very tight all the time.  More Braxton Hicks too. 

Stretch marks?
Still none!

Food cravings?
Fruit, chocolate milk, animal crackers!

Yes!  I am supposed to start coating kicks this week, but I started a few days ago.  My doctor said I should feel 10 movements in 2 hours, but I think the longest it has taken is 16 minutes.  

More barre and walking, although I am giving myself permission for more rest days now.  

Just within the last few days I have noticed that I am now getting up 2-3 times per night instead of just once.  I also have fallen into a bad pattern of not being able to fall asleep on Fridays…I think I am overly tired at the end of the week which sometimes causes me to not sleep. Sadly, Mark has had to sleep in the guest room a few times to give me more room in the bed.


Maternity Clothes?
Getting tired of them, but so thankful that I can wear dresses!

What I Miss?
Definitely miss running, I am enjoying walking, but I really miss being able to get out and run a few miles in a fraction of the time it takes me to walk as far. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Weeks 27-28

I'm behind on these so I'll combine the last 2 weeks! We went to a wedding during week 27, my only wedding I'll go to while pregnant.  We are invited to one at the end of July, but its out of town and I won't be able to travel!  I had an ultrasound at 28 weeks to make sure that the baby is growing (since my belly is still pretty small.)  The baby looks good, I just carry a little small.  My doctor said the baby was measuring on track, but I was measuring 2 weeks behind.  I also had the 1hr glucose test done that day, I still haven't heard anything, so maybe that means it was normal?? They said I would get a phone call either way, I guess I'll have to call them!

Braxton Hicks are starting, and I also feel more tired as I enter the 3rd trimester. I can also feel some of the weird food aversions coming back.

Stretch marks?
No!  I used up the whole bottle of my Mama Mio oil last week, but I've just been using a Neutrogena body oil that   feels great!

Food cravings?
Again, really its just fruit.  I never want to eat unless its sweet and juicy.

Definitely a lot more.  Its crazy feeling the baby roll around in there.

 I'm trying not to slow down yet.  I've been going to barre and walking outside.  I may go hop on the elliptical now and then, but its hard to work out inside when its so nice out.  

I usually just wake up once during the night to use the bathroom, but then my heartburn starts bothering me so much that its hard to get back to sleep!  I am still on the wedge, but its not that comfortable!


Maternity Clothes?
Finally able to wear all my dresses!  I feel like my wardrobe has doubled!!

What I Miss?
I miss getting in a good workout.  Normally, I'd be training for a race during this time of year, but I can barely run a mile these days.  I can't wait to get back to it after the baby comes!
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