Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Tomorrow is FINALLY Thanksgiving!  Does it seem like it took forever for Thanksgiving to get here to anyone else??  

Oh well, I'm not complaining!  How does one complain about more time to think about all that you are thankful for?  To be honest, this year has come with its share of disappointments, but there are SO many things that I can say I am truly thankful for. 

First and foremost, these three: 

I've always known I couldn't live in a house without a cat.  But now, thanks to the sweetest golden puppy in the world, I also could never imagine a house without a dog.   And obviously, there's Mark.  I don't know what I'd do without him.  I am thankful every day for that man.

I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to travel!  So many people in the world never get to see more than their backyard, and I will never take for granted how I've been blessed to see the world. 

If you've stuck around this blog for awhile, you know I've had my share of health issues.  I am incredibly thankful that I can still practice and teach yoga despite ongoing hip and GI problems. 

There is so much more.  I could go on and on…

…and on and on.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Weekend of the Great Soup Swap.

I'm not sure where I first heard about soup swaps, but I knew it was an idea that I wanted to try.  I have close group of girlfriends that I knew would be up for this, so I hosted our first ever soup swap party over the weekend.   It was great and everyone decided that it should be an annual event!  If you want to host a soup swap, here is how we did it...

1. Decide on a date/host/who to invite

2. Everyone picks a recipe (and tells everyone what they are making ahead of time to ensure a good variety.)

3. Everyone makes their soup and divides it up into enough single-serving containers for everyone at the party.

4.  Freeze said soup.

5.  The party host makes their soup for the other goodies.

6. Consume soup.  Mine was an African sweet potato and peanut soup.

7.  Everyone gets to take home a sample of everyone else's soup!

This was such a fun idea to try out!  I've heard of other soup swaps where everyone just makes one big batch, and basically everyone chooses one that they want to bring home (with some sort of lottery system I guess...), but it seemed more fun for everyone to get to take home a little bit of each!

We ended up with the sweet potato soup I made, chicken noodle, wild rice, cream of asparagus, lentil and sausage, and ale & cheese.  Seriously, so much goodness in my freezer right now!  And the best part is that we have meals all week long!

I'd highly recommend having a soup swap party sometime this winter, you will love it!

I know this isn't a recipe (although I plan to share my soup recipe sometime), I am linking up with the ladies of Taste of Tuesday!  Visit Ashley and Jessica for more :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013


As you can see, things look a little different around here.  I am sort of bored/confused about what to do with my blog.  Sometime I have no desire to keep writing it, but then sometimes I miss the community and connection with the people I've become "blog friends" with.

Writing in a private blog is sort of boring, but I still don't want so many people in my "real life" reading it.  Maybe changing my blog name will help to be a little.  Let's be honest though, I have no idea what I'm doing.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Here's the deal- I am a pretty patient person most of the time.  I've been working with people who have severe and persistent mental illness for the past several years, and they test my patience every day.  I have my own serious health issues that have tested my patience for the last 6 years now.  Lately though, I am dealing with something that I can't be patient about.  It's shooting my anxiety sky-high and I feel like the end is sooooo far out of sight.  

I'm practicing mindfulness and meditation.  I'm trying to live in the moment.  I'm working on acceptance and tolerance. I'm trying to trust God's timing.  Mostly I'm trying to accept God's will...but I'm failing miserably. I want what I want and I want it RIGHT NOW gosh darn!

In other news, its Friday.  And no, the weekend isn't what I'm waiting for.  I'll take it anyway though. 

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