For real, I am. I have my very own remote control...don't believe me? Here it is:
And I carry it around with my in a sparkly pink coin purse.
The truth is, this is a hard post for me to write. It's about something most people are embarassed about, but it's become such a huge part of my life that I feel like I am living a double life when people don't know about it. I explained the background of my GI issues
here, so read that if you haven't yet. I carry the diagnoses of
IBS-C and
colonic inertia. You can read about those in the links because I really don't want to explain either of thos things. I have no idea how I ended up with either of these things. I first notied a problem when I was on a trip to Guatemala and everyone I was with got a parasite- so did I, but my symptoms were different/opposite than everyone else. That year I also had jaw surgery and was on a liquid diet, which when combined with pain killers really took a toll on me.
I explained in the post linked above that I tried to modify my diet, increase my already active lifestyle, tried over the counter and prescription meds, and many holistic & herbal treatment routes as well. I had lots of labs drawn, lots of very uncomfortable testing, and several rounds of biofeedback therapy. Nothing worked AT ALL.
Last summer I went for my annual OB/Gyn and she referred me to a urologist because she had worked with a similar patient who had a
sacral nerve neurostimulator implanted that helped her. She said that most people with bowel problems also have bladder problems even if they don't know it- and she was right. I was feeling "bloated" all the time because I also had pretty severe bladder retention. I'm actually lucky about that, because my implant isn't FDA approved for either of my GI diagnoses, but it is for all urinary condtions- so I qualified to get the surgery.
Last fall I had
3 surgeries to implant this bad boy. It took 3 because they do a "test phase" first, which I had to do 2 of, before they put the permanent device in. During both test phases, I had multiple wires sticking out of from under my skin (gross!)that were connected an external device, which was kind of like a really huge pager that I had to attach to my waistband. The whole process lasted about 3.5 months.
Now I have a pretty sweet scar on my lower back/upper butt, and I have a rock-hard spot where the device is that you can easily feel if you touch it. I control the settings with my remote control, so I can turn it up or down, or switch which lead is working (I have 4.) So weird right? I still have to take daily medications, but this device has made me feel a lot better!
I bet you didn't know that you had a bionic friend...well, now you do!!